College students are generally not minors when they head of to IU or another school. This, of course, does not mean that they will always act like a grown human being who makes judicious decisions. This is particularly the case for those living away from home for the...
Your car could determine if you have too much to drink
Self-driving cars are now a reality, if only for a select few. However, Volvo has put a twist on the concept since it announced that it will use an in-vehicle cameras to monitor the behavior of the driver starting in 2020 models. If the driver appears to be distracted...
What to do if you’re pulled over for suspicion of DUI
Police officers are always on the lookout for drivers showing signs of intoxication. If you are pulled over for suspicion of DUI, it's natural to be nervous. It's also likely that you'll make a mistake, especially if you've never been in this position before. There...
Is marijuana legalization coming to Indiana?
Advocates for the legalization medical and recreational marijuana have made inroads across the United States. There are currently 33 states and Washington, DC that allow medical marijuana and 11 (including DC) that legalized cannabis for recreational use. As many...
Should drug dealers be charged with homicide?
The opioid epidemic is all around us with 47,000 deaths in 2017 tied to opioid-related deaths. Whether it is hardscrabble areas that are economically depressed, affluent suburbs with ritzy country clubs or college campuses like IU, drug addiction has wrecked the lives...
Effectiveness of DUI roadblocks questioned
North Dakota recently made news when its House Representatives passed legislation that gets rid of DUI roadblocks. The vote was 79 to 14, and the measure now goes to the state Senate Judiciary Committee. "The cold hard fact is that sobriety checkpoints are terrible at...