It is fun to tell stories about crazy college shenanigans. It can be just trading stories in-between classes or sitting around with friends. Those stories, however, can be used by public speakers for light-hearted asides speaking to large groups of alumni or professionals.
Supreme Court Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh would never consider making light conversation about his behavior around fellow high school student Christine Blasey Ford, who now claims that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her. However, the judge has gone on record for speaking at several different events about alcohol-fueled merry-making done during his college years, and that could also come back to haunt his chances of joining the highest court in the land.
The New York Times and other media outlets are examining transcripts from speeches. This has prompted Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts to tweet a video of Kavanaugh making an offhanded quip about drinking. She asks followers, “Is this really what America wants in its next Supreme Court Justice?” Cautionary tale for bad behavior
Judge Kavanaugh’s drinking exploits were not much different from those still practiced by millions of college students. The difference is that he said them in a public forum and it is now coming back to haunt him during his nomination.
Students need to be more mindful of their behavior today with the advent of social media. It is best to keep away from incriminating behavior with their social media posts. If there is legal trouble, it is also wise to take it seriously and hire a criminal defense lawyer. They can defend your rights in court, and even strive to have public records sealed. This can help reduce the scale of the punishment and even keep past bad behavior in the past as they enter the job market, particularly when they aspire to be a Supreme Court Justice.