The Skill To Defend You

Drug and alcohol use can lead to disorderly conduct charges

College can be a wild experience. It’s a time when young adults live on their own and test the limits of their new-found freedom. This is perfectly fine, as long as it does not involve using drugs or abusing alcohol.

But sometimes college students do choose to use drugs or alcohol, and the combination of youthful behavior with these substances leads to bad choices. In some cases, it can even lead to criminal charges of disorderly conduct.

Disorderly conduct in Indiana

The laws regarding disorderly conduct can vary according to your jurisdiction. But Indiana does have several overarching laws regarding disorderly conduct. In our state, disorderly conduct is considered an “Offense Against Public Order.” This means that disorderly conduct is composed of actions that violate public safety, endanger life, disturb the peace or harass, annoy or alarm other people. Some of these activities include:

  • Physically fighting
  • Making unreasonable noise after being asked to stop
  • Disrupting one or more people
  • Rioting
  • Drinking in public

The last item on that list surprises many people, but it is true. Indiana bans drinking in public, reasoning that it is disruptive and could compromise public safety.

Fighting charges of disorderly conduct

Let’s say that a college student you love has been charged with disorderly conduct. If convicted, they could face long-lasting consequences that could derail their academic and professional careers. In addition, the crime can be punished with 180 days of jail time and fines of up to $1,000.

Fortunately, there are ways to fight a charge of disorderly conduct. Consider your college student’s legal options such as working with an attorney to avoid a conviction or accept a lesser charge. College should be a time of exploration, fun and freedom, not a time of criminal convictions.