This is the 21st century. Video is everywhere. It’s on your television. It’s on your computer. It’s on your tablets. Literally anything can be caught on tape these days. That is why it is not only important, but also simply logical, for an officer to record the events taking place when pulling someone over. There is no good reason for there not to be videotape evidence of these encounters. If everything that a police officer is saying in his or her testimony, the video will do nothing but support that testament.
With videotape, the proceedings of a trial would go much smoother than if there was not one. The he said/she said arguments would become moot, and the truth would be as easy to access as hitting the play button. A verdict will always be given faster and more accurately if the evidence can speak for itself. With everyone in the courtroom being able to see what happened, anyone telling the truth will have no cause to worry. It should be an advantage to every person involved in the case.
One notion is that a jury punishes police officers that do not record their proceedings with adverse verdicts. That would quickly force every officer to start recording their proceedings, and bring a new level of validity to these types of trials. There is so much time spent on worrying and theorizing on what really happened in these situations. It will be nice to, one day, be able to go to the tape every time.